Thursday, July 13, 2006

Everyone Says I'm Paranoid

Gas Mask
Originally uploaded by holylandhipster.
This morning, after reading the horrific news that three more Israeli soldiers were killed and another two were kidnapped, I had an interesting conversation with my Mom. Since I'm still not sleeping, I didn't get around to calling her until Noon. While on the phone, I filled her in on what was going on in Israel (when Mom's in the office, she pretty much is the only person in American who doesn't surf the net and actually does her work!). During the conversation, Mom asked if I was scared about the move considering the current climate (i.e. it appears that Israel is on the brink of war). Since I basically sold or gave away everything I own, I said there was no way I was backing out now. I joked and mentioned that I still had my emergency kit from my previous job. After September 11th, my old employer gave out these great emergency kits that I actually kept. I definitely plan on bringing it with me to Israel, but I don't really know how effective it will be.

Nevertheless, that's when Mom mentioned that I should look into purchasing a gas mask. I was pretty surprised at the suggestion but, since I was online, I did a google search to see how one goes about purchasing a gas mask. Apparently, it's pretty easy to get an Israeli gas mask here in the States. Of course, it will cost me plenty of Benjamins. When I mentioned the cost (more than $200), my Mom quickly offered to pay for it.

I told her I'd think about it and we quickly changed the topic. Here I was thinking that perhaps I should enroll in a Magen David Adom course on first aid, but Mom's thought are clearly occupied with other things.

Bottom line: I'm just not going to think about it. When I get to Israel, that's when I'll deal with it. A lot could change in 5 weeks time (yes, 5 weeks from TONIGHT I'll be on a plane bound for the Holy Land! Woohoo!!)

Song of the night Everyone Says I'm Paranoid by British rock group Apartment.

1 comment:

tafka PP said...

Don't worry, you'll get one free if the going gets tough. And they are mighty attractive, I can tell you!

(Suggested film viewing on the topic- )