Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Jerusalem Artichokes

I can't believe it's already almost 11:00 p.m. and I haven't updated the blog in a few days. I'm not really sure where to begin so I'll start with my attempt at culinary creativity. Over Shabbat in Efrat, I had Jerusalem Artichokes for the second time in my life. They were so good, they actually taste like potato but without the calories of a potato! So, I decided to go out and try to make Jerusalem Artichokes for myself. On Monday, I went to the Super and found 5 fresh Jerusalem Artichokes and brought them home to make for dinner. Only problem is that I had no idea how to prepare them. So, I decided to consult my boy Emeril, thinking he knows everything. Nothing on the site from Emeril except for some Jerusalem artichoke soup and I wasn't into that. Next, I checked out Epicurious, the only great site for people who are into cooking and new recipes. Strike two. That's when I had the epiphany. If I should treat these suckers like potatos, I can cook them like potatos! I took out my sister's recipe for garlic roasted potatos and prepared the marinade of olive oil, minced garlic, salt, and pepper, cut the Jerusalem artichoke into 1/4 inch pieces and tossed them with the dressing. Then I put them in the oven at 350F/180C for an hour and a half. The ones that were cooked were excellent! The ones that were still crunchy, not so much. I was very proud that I was able to find a recipe that worked with these vegetables (hmmm, can I really call them vegetables if they are a piece of a sunflower? Will have to check out wikpedia for the answer to that).

Yesterday was a really busy day! With one week left until school is out for the semester, things are coming down to the wire. I have a final paper due for my Jewish Arts Seminar class, and I need to write it this weekend. We also had our last official class with Bret Lott and I was really upset that the class is coming to an end. I've learnt so much from him! Plus, he is truly a wonderful teacher who is committed to his students. I have my final meeting with him next Tuesday at 11:30 and I'm a little nervous about it. I don't know what he's going to want to discuss, but I'll be prepared with a list of questions just in case. I also finally saw Borat last night and boy was it raunchy! Although, the bear in the ice cream truck was absolutely hysterical. It was good to just laugh, I've been stressing about cooking for Shabbat and finals so it was nice for a few hours of escape.

Today I had a surprise Midterm in my Jewish Philosophy course. I got 3 out of the 5 questions right, which means that at least I passed the exam. I'm not a fan of surprise exams, especially since I do much better when I've prepared for the exam. What's annoying is that I had all the answers to the questions in my notes, and I pay attention and participate in class, but I don't have any retention for material unless I study in advance. Oh well, I guess I can't complain because at least I passed the exam. Michael Kramer's class afterwards was great too! We spent the entire class on two poems by Emma Lazarus and then he told the real story behind The Statue of Liberty. Folks, what you learned in Social Studies in elementary school was all one big LIE! The Statue wasn't a gift from the French, it wasn't originally intended to symbolize freedom for immigrants, and the poem is not engraved on the statue's platform. I was saddened to hear the truth, quite frankly, but it's interested to hear about how everything really transpired. If I wasn't exhausted, I would tell y'all in these pages the real story behind Lady Liberty but I'm going to save it for someother time.

Meet my friend Jules, I've spoken about her numerous times on the blog. Well, today I walked 20 minutes to the post office on Dizengoff street to pick up the first and only package I've received in this country! Jules sent me the nicest pair of earrings that are just my taste! I was so excited to get a package from a friend that I didn't even mind waiting for 25 minutes in line to pick it up!

When I got home, I called my Aunt Amy to get the recipe for her meatloafs and right now I've got two cooking in the oven. While we were chatting, she told me that he daughter-in-law's twin sister (who happens to live in Jerusalem) just got engaged! Plus, the wedding is going to be here in Israel which means that my Aunt and cousins are coming to town! Which REALLY means that Cousin Neil is coming to Israel and boy do I have a list of movies I want to see. Hopefully, he'll have time to at least go to one flick with me!

Tomorrow is going to be one of those days that don't have enough hours in them. I have to be up early for the window guy who was supposed to come this morning to fix the hole in my wall but asked to postpone until tomorrow. Then, I need to do some laundry because I have no clean towels or jeans. After which, I have to go food shopping so I can finish cooking for Shabbat. I've already done the cinnamon chicken and the two meatloafs, but that still leaves the chicken soup, marinara gfilta fish, cauliflower kugel, chicken cutlets and the carrot kugel and/or cranberry apple crunch (I'm thinking the recipe with the oatmeal topping because that's much healthier. I also have to make the blondies for dessert and I haven't been able to find the right tin at Supersol, which means I have to hit other places to find the right tins for dessert!

Phew, that lists is just exhausting to look at and I'm up for at least another 2 hours as my last meatloaf if cooking in my tiny over. What I wouldn't do for a real, life-sized oven!


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