Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Work Anthem

My Dad has a work anthem. When we were younger, we would have to chant the anthem before school started. In fact, it was almost almost ritualistic each night before the start of yet another grade. work, work, work, work, WORK! Dad started the chant softly and then, by the seventh work he would be almost at a complete yell.

I thought about the chant this morning as I rolled over in bed and realized that this Sunday is going to be dedicated to - well - working. I have a tremendous amount of reading I need to accomplish today, including the Joan Leegant novel An Hour in Paradise, three stories in my Jewish American Literature reader and the introduction to the Khouzari for my Philosophy class. That's on top of beginning a couple of short stories and workshopping others due in class on Tuesday.

Phew! I got a lot on my plate :)

Like most of my Sundays as a child, today will be all work and no play. I'm actually not that disappointed, I could use an excuse to just chill out today and relax. I didn't get much sleep this weekend. I was back in Beit Shemesh and shared the baby's room. That meant I was up in the middle of the night when she was crying and then again at the crack of dawn when the 5 younguns were racing around the house shreaking and playing. I just hope I don't fall asleep in the middle of my reading today!

Sad to report that my hair did not miraculously grow back this weekend. A shame really, I was sorta hoping that maybe it would. No luck. I'm going to be in this embarressing state for a couple of months. Hopefully Rob will be able to fix me all up when I'm back in the States in a few weeks.

Good news! They finally caught Benny Sela on Friday night. Thank G-d, I can go back to walking on the beach at sunset! I'm looking forward, tonight by the water should be a nice, relaxing break for me.

Since it's Sunday, I'm looking forward to catching up with all of my family and friends. If you're reading this, and we're good friends, expect a phone call from me soon!

Song of the day is Hard Row off of Thickfreakness, a great album by The Black Keys. If you like Rock and Soul, you'll love this duo!

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