I'm exhausted from raking my tiny Zen garden all day. Today was really great, I got a lot of writing done and started working on a new business proposal. The weather was terrible, it poured most of the day and was pretty chilly but as soon as I went out to run my errands, the rain stopped and it got warm and humid again. I'm constantly in layers here in Tel Aviv, and I feel like I'm just always dressing and undressing on the street! I'm going to have to pick up some more zip sweatshirts when I'm home in a few months. It's the easiest thing to pull off and on that doesn't make me look like I'm stripping on the sidewalks.
I was out late again last night. Bracha had a good friend's bachelorette party at this bar across the street from my apartment and, since no one spoke English and she only knew the bride, I agreed to come and keep her company. One of the party organizers, though, was dressed in this corset dress that left absolutely nothing to the imagination and she kept chain smoking. At one point, I just stared at the ash hanging off of the end of the lit cigarette as she gesticulated wildly with it when speaking. I almost bent down to pick up the ashtray to catch the inch-long ash but thought it might be rude and just kept my eye on it instead. It ended up falling, as I suspected, but fortunately it missed me and just went down the front of her "dress".
Yeah, she wasn't too happy about that one.
I spent a lot of time today doing research on this new business proposal and read the article about Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe's pending divorce. I can't believe she didn't sign a pre-nup! In California, that means everything is split 50/50. It will be interesting to see how that one plays out.
Oh, and today I discovered a new and amazing site called Pure Volume. I think it's much better than MySpace when it comes to music. I have a profile, so go check out HolyLandHipster to see which bands I really like.
Song of the day is Sunshine Superman by The Films. I'm obsessed with these guys, and their music is absolutely amazing!
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