It smells like something is burning near my apartment but I don't see any flames. Interesting. Well, I just switched on the dude shemesh so that I could heat up some hot water for a shower. I'm exhausted. I didn't sleep much last night and I realized this morning it's because I was really cold! Even with the second blanket, I was freezing! So, tonight I'm just going to layer up in my winter PJ's and hopefully I'll be able to get a good night's sleep. These bags are not at all attractive. I might need to ask my folks to send my winter coat to Israel cause it's pretty cold outside. I was not expecting that at all, I still remember the heat we had oh - last week!
So, I'm making another meal on Friday night. I know, Itai is as surprised as y'all that I'm making another one so soon! I think he's just shocked that I know that many people to invite to dinner again. I'm having 8 people this time, which is 2 less than my last meal. I think that's a good number, especially since my table is really meant for 8 people altogether. I worked out the menu and I'm making a taco salad, Israeli salad and my Mom's coleslaw recipe. Then I'm trying this new butternut squash soup recipe I got from Sara Moulson at the Food Network. You're supposed to serve it with buttered pecans, so I'm going to try to figure out how to make that but do it so that it's parve. The main is going to be spinach chicken rolls (my cousin Tova's recipe), a deli roll, orzo with roasted vegetables, corn kugel, a broccoli kugel and Tova's sister-in-law's steamed string bean recipe. Dessert will be my Aunt Amy's apple pie, parve vanilla ice cream, brownies and a fruit salad. I think that's plenty of food. I invited a couple of guys over for dessert so we should be 10 at that point, I just hope all the food comes out ok!
This blog post includes a photo of Shakira as a shout-out to Bracha's Israeli friends who have apparently dubbed me "Shakira". I find that hysterical since I look absolutely NOTHING like the Lovely Latina singer, nor can I even carry a tune. That being said, today I ordered my ticket for Bracha's concert on Wednesday night in Herzliya. I am really looking forward to the concert! I think her friend is going to be taking me, so at least I don't have to worry about getting to and from the venue. The only thing is that I'm sitting by myself at the concert, instead of with her friends. That should be interesting. I hope I meet some cool new people!
I've been working on not one but two different stories and I'm a bit at an impass with one of them. I'm going to go into school early tomorrow so I can meet with Bret Lott and try to pick his brain for helpful hints to help move things forward. Also, what I've been finding is that I really get into a story and can bang out 1-4 pages fairly quickly, but then I stall and tend to write intellectually as opposed to emotionally. That being said, this book I'm reading by John Gardner is really amazing. It's called On Becoming a Novelist and it really speaks to so many of the challenges I've been facing! I'm glad it was on the required reading list!
Tomorrow is going to be a pretty busy day. I have to get to school early to try to register for my courses, try to meet with Bret during his office hours before our class, and then sit in on the 4 hour class itself where we will be workshopping 3 different stories tomorrow! Michael Kramer is out of the country this week, so after Bret Lott's class I get to come home a little earlier which is good because I need to stop by the supermarket and pick up a lot of ingredients for my cooking marathon on Thursday.
I'm wiped and have to hit the showers and get to bed. Song of the evening is Shoot the Runner by Kasabian. Enjoy!
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