It's a busy news day today. With the GOP taking over the House, and Pelosi starting her legacy as the first female Speaker of the House, Hillary and the Terminator winning in an apparent landslide, Spitz taking the reigns as Governor of NYC while Andrew Cuomo becomes Cousin Neil's new boss, AND Britney giving K. Fed the big boot, the media has their hands full! Fortunately for me, I don't have to do any pitching today. My rule of thumb is to give the press some breathing room before and after a crucial election before I start in for any of my clients.
In Israel, though, the news has been pretty grim. Hamas has issued an announcement that they will be reasuming suicide missions in Israel in response to Israel's shelling of a residential neighborhood in Gaza. I have to be honest that I'm not unhappy that I won't be on a bus again until Tuesday afternoon. I was supposed to go with Fly Boy tonight to Bracha's concert but he can't make it. Apparently, he has to work. I got myself another ride and was clearly understanding that FB can't make it, but it did give me pause about getting "involved" with someone who is a careered military man. I don't know if I can really handle something like that.
School Update
It's a miracle! I am officially registered for the year. Yup, Tamara found Channa and cornered her this morning so I raced to the English Department to register with her before I went to Dr. Harvey's class. Channa registered all four of my classes for the year and I made it to Philosophy with time to spare. During the Philosophy class today, I learned a new phrase. Syllogism and the way he taught us the meaning of the word was interesting. I think about half the class got the concept, the other half just stared blanky. I like this class more and more each day. Also, I picked up the reader during class and have to read The Introduction to Books of Beliefs and Opinions by Rav Saadia Gaon for next week.
Cousin Neil - you're on deck! I'm gonna be calling you if I don't understand something!
After class I went to register for the course and then, here is the tricky part to the whole sordid affair. I had to go to building 605 and go into a room where one woman MANUALLY inputting the information into a computer. Then, she printed it out and I walked over to another woman who stamped it and handed me a copy. That's it. I'm officially in the computer. Of course, the University didn't have an address for me on file so I have no idea where my student ID card is being sent, and they spelled my last name with a Samech instead of a Shin AND they have my Teudat Zehut number wrong. So, of course, I'm going to have to make all of those corrections sooner rather than later. I need that student ID card so I can get cheaper plans for my cell phone, with my bank and with my Internet.
Vera was here this morning and now my floors are Spic n' Span. I miss that nice Pine Sol smell though, even though my place looks really nice and clean. I think when I come home during break I'm going to pick up some Pledge, I just love that smell. I know, I'm a little nuts when it comes to cleaning and my cleaning supplies. I'm a lot like Monica in that respect.
I'm still not sleeping so great so I'm going to crawl into bed for a quick nap before I have to get ready for Bracha's show tonight. Song of the evening is Reverie by Claude Debussy, to get everyone including myself in a classical music mood.
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