I did it. I actually committed to my story and at 1:30 a.m. this morning, finished the first draft. Granted, I sent it off to be workshopped with tremendous trepidation. But, at least no one can say that I don't finish what I've started. Today, Bret called me a punk kid. He was a little surprised to hear my true age (g-d bless that man, I can take compliments like that forever!) and was even more surprised to hear that I've been working for such a long period of time. Listen, the bottom line is this: Bret can call me anything he pleases as long as he's also telling me that my writing is "terrific". He liked my Kevin Bacon true story, so I'm just hoping he likes the short story I turned in today as well. I'm pretty nervous about people's reactions. It's a really heavy piece.
OK, I'm wearing my barometer pants right now and couldn't be happier. What, you are probably wondering, are barometer pants? Well, these are the pants I wear to figure out if I've gained or lost weight, or basically stayed the same. Considering the fact that tonight is the first night I'll actually be wearing these pants out in public - since last Fall in NYC - I'm really pleased. These are khaki cords that have NO stretch to them, just three buttons and a zipper. And, I must say, they look really nice with my boots.
Sadly, two of my classes were cancelled this week. Professor Kramer had to fly unexpectedly to the States because his father has taken ill. I hope that he has a Refuah Shelaymah.
I know I'm all over the place today but has anyone seen Stranger Than Fiction? I really want to see that movie and can't wait for it to come to Israel! Tonight, I'm going to Herzliya to see the new Bond flick. I heard that Penguins beat out Bond at the box office opening weekend. Ouch! I think Daniel Craig is cute, so it will be interesting to see if he lives up to the Bond franchise.
OK, I have nothing else to write right now so I'm going to log off and bid all adieu. Song of the day is Ooh Lah by The Kooks.
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