Yesterday morning, as I was folding a huge mound of laundry, I met a bona fide Opera Singer. Ann McMahon Quintero is here in Tel Aviv until December 3rd where she will be performing at the Tel Aviv Performing Arts Center in the French Opera Armide. Initially, I thought she was this super frum woman because she was wearing a skirt down to the floor. But, I've learnt now never to make assumptions about someone especially on laundry day! We both spied the other person's English language book and I don't know who initiated the conversation, but we just started chatting. Turns out, Ann has already been here for about 4 weeks, doesn't know ANYONE in the country, can't speak a word of Hebrew, and is in town for a few more weeks! So, being the friendly people that we both are, we made plans to get together on Saturday night. Plus, she just told me that she gets two complimentary tickets to the opera and, since she doesn't know anyone else in the Country, she's going to give them to me!
Awesome! I can't wait, I'm going to the Opera next week!
My big project is due on Tuesday and I have no middle or ending. I keep thinking about where I want to story to go but Bret said that we should listen to what the characters want to do. My character is giving me the silent treatment today but, I'm hoping she'll start talking to me soon!
My neighbors are in town for their Grandson's wedding next week in Bnei Brak and I haven't had a chance to get them on the phone yet. I'm hoping to speak with them today before Shabbat. Speaking of which, it's already almost 1:00 p.m. and I'm still in the midst of making the apple kugel for dinner tonight. I don't know if it's going to come out so good, I got a distracting phone call while I was in the middle of making it and well, let's just say that when I took it out of the oven a few minutes ago I didn't realize it hadn't baked through. I went to cut it so I could transfer it out of the pyrex into a tin to take to my hostess tonight and that's when the center starting oozing. It's back in the oven now, I just hope it will be edible for tonight.
Do you ever wonder if you could see the Space Station from earth? Last night, I was hanging out in Jerusalem and we noticed one of the stars was blinking brightly. It wasn't a plane though because it didn't change locations. I'm taking a trip to the planetarium on Sunday, hopefully someone there will know the answer.
Song of the day is No Tomorrow by Orson a great British band. Check them out here at Orson.
Shabbat Shalom!
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