Check out my Bed Art! I've got empty bottles of water strewn about, one bag of tissues that's practically new while the other bag of tissues is empty and being utilized as a recepticle for my dirty tissues. And boy, folks, are those tissues yucky!
I didn't make it to class today, which is very frustrating since I only have one more class this semster! But, when my alarm went off this morning I literally could not move. My nose was stuffed, my knees were achy and I had such a bad headache. I turned over and went back to sleep, hoping that a few more minutes on snooze would help get me out of bed. It didn't work out quite the way I had hoped. I called Lisa in my class and asked her to send Professor Kramer my regrets and she warned me about the Aliyah sickness.
Huh? I'd never heard of that.
Apparently, it's a well known syndrome that affects people who make Aliyah. Basically, it takes about a year and a half for my body to get used to the Holy Land "bugs". And, in the interim, I'll continue to just get ill until my body can adjust to my new home.
Fan-freaking-tastic. Just what I need right now, constant illness.
I'm still swigging Nyquil though, drinking loads of fluids, force feeding myself hard boiled eggs and grapefruit so I keep my metabolism moving and just trying to rest up. Buggy is coming tomorrow night to take care of me (yea!!) but I'm really hoping to feel much, much better by then.
Anyway, staying home in bed ill has actually been pretty productive for me. I spent this morning working on the wedding program, and edited some stuff my sister sent me and then added some more information. I'm hoping to get that done and off my plate sooner rather than later, so that all I have to do when I get back to the States is send it to the printers. I also uploaded more pictures to the wedding website and checked our wedding e-mail to see if we got any RSVP's.
We did!
Sadly, there were 2 "not comings" and so that was a little disappointing. Ari e-mailed me to say that Daniel got his invitation but he didn't get his and "what's that all about". (Danny, Ari and Cousin Neil all live together and all three were getting invitations to the same address). I laughed and sent him back an e-mail that it's probably just a post office conspiracy against him and he'll get his with some melted chocolate or chewed up gum stuck to the back. Either way, folks, you should be getting your invitations any day now if you haven't already gotten them!
So, now with all the wedding stuff for today done and off my list, I can turn to my school work. I have to start a new story for Professor Kramer and also rewrite my last piece for Professor Hoffmann. I hope to be able to get the bulk of this done between today and tomorrow, so I can get THAT off my plate too!
Well, since I have no appetite today, I really don't have a Crave of the Day, I'm just going to be really happy once I get the ability to taste back.
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