Monday, August 13, 2007

Bridal Shower

Today, as my friends in Israel sat down to take the Moed Aleph on the Philosophy final, I was getting ready for my bridal shower. The shower was absolutely perfect. No bridal bingo, no "he said, she said" game, just a few friends and family, some great gifts, and a beautiful spread.

My friend Eta has an absolutely gorgeous house out in the Five Towns. With my friend Shulamit, the two of them planning this soiree. Since a lot of my friends attending the wedding had a wedding in the afternoon, we called the shower for 11:00 a.m. The morning started off bright and early, and since Shabbat was Buggy's Aufruf and I was soo excited to hear about it that I stayed up really late to call him, I was really tired when Mom woke me at 8:30. Her and my Dad had been up for hours, doing laundry, cleaning the house, paying bills, and getting ready for the girls to arrive.

At 9:30, they drove up from the airport with my sister and the two kids. It was sooo nice to see them! I haven't seen them since Pesach and kids can change so much in just a few months. Then, they left to pick up my other sister from the airport and I drove to Forest Hills to get my friend Julie from the train.

At this point, time was ticking down fast and I was really late. So, after I picked up Julie I drove over to get my Grandmother and we were off. You'd like my Grandmother hadn't seen me in months, the way she dominated the entire conversation both there and back, but it made me think just how lonely she must be without my Grandfather. She doesn't have people to talk to anymore, so it must be so hard. Fortunately, Julie was really understanding and we managed to catch up a bit in fits and spirts.

I got there late, and before my folks, and my Aunt and cousin Tova were there, my friends from the Upper West Side: Fruma, Hannah, Melissa and Elana and then Rachel drove up right behind me. The house looked great and the table was beautiful. Eta made a fantastic eggplant parmesan that must have added at least 10 pounds because it was incredible. I never knew the secret was breading and deep frying the eggplant first! Good thing my friends all brought me recipes, and Eta bought be a great recipe box that's really cute! I can't wait to pack it and bring everything back to Israel.

My parents finally came and then Aunt Amy's daughter-in-law and her 3 Grandchildren came and the party was really in full effect. After chatting with friends and eating in the dining room, people realized time was flying and they had to get going. So, we were off to open gifts and I got some really, really great presents! Everyone got me something terrific, so I can't single out one thing I liked more than anything else, and then it was time for the hat. Eta made me a great little paper hat with a train and then we all posed for pictures.

A fun, classic shower!

I stayed a bit to help Eta clean up while my parents zoomed out of there to get my sister back to the airport to catch her flight. I hadn't even realized my Dad picked up most of the gifts and put them in his van! I bid adeiu to all my friends, told them how much I couldn't wait to see them next Sunday, and then was off back to Queens. I really appreciated all the people who came, and all the hard word done my Shulamit and Eta meant the world. This is one shower I will never forget!

After I dropped my Grandmother and Julie off, I got home and helped my sister with the kids. I had to run some errands and was in and out of the car a lot and then came back and cleaned up the gifts and recorded everything for Thank You cards. I have to be up really late tonight because I want to surprised Buggy! He is in the air folks, touch down in a few, and I am going to the airport to pick him up.

I told him I was sending a car service for him and that he should look for the man with the "Buggy" sign, but it's going to be me! I spent some time last night coloring fun signs for him and in a few minutes I'm going to take a shower and get ready to go.

I cannot wait for him to get him cause tomorrow is going to be a super busy day! We have to go get our marriage license and that will probably take FOREVER at City Hall!

Woohoo! By this time tomorrow, hopefull, we will be civially marriage according to the State of New York.


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