Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hooter Hiders

This invention is called the Hooter Hider, for women who want to breast feed in public. Buggy and I are going into business for ourselves, and we hope to become the #1 importer of The Hooter Hider for Israeli women nationwide.

So, where should I begin? Today was a bit boring, we ran some errands and when I say errands I mean that we returned some presents. What we thought was the cheapest gift imaginable, turned out to be the most expensive because it was designed by a local artist. Well, just because some artist drew on it doesn't make it pretty. So, while the shopkeeper looked at me in disgust and disapproval, I returned it and exchanged the gift for a similar one to our liking. And, with the left over money, I was able to get Buggy a kitel and a Shabbos washing cup.

Afterwards, we got ready for yet another family function. This time, the Bat Mitzvah of Buggy's first cousin. Once again, my post-wedding diet was off and with my wig firmly in place (it looked nice y'all) we left for the Bat Mitzvah. It was beautiful and the location was fantastic, at a hall right outside of the Old City walls. And, for the first time since the wedding, I was thrilled to finally be sitting on the couples table!

You see, when you're single (and not every single is like this, but there was a point in time where I definitely was like this) when you really just want off the singles table and onto the couples table. It just seems like a lot of fun there, and Buggy and I both felt this way the past couple of years. So here we are, our first famly function as a legally bound couple, and sure enough we are on the young couples table.

Finally, I thought, we're here. This is the place we've been waiting to come to. We sit down with our plates, get comfortable, and prepare to join the conversation. And then, we tuned into the conversation, and realized that the couples at our table were talking about the one topic we can't contibute to...


And breastfeeding

And teething

And pooping

And toilet training

Do you see where I'm going with this?

Well, after a while listening to the conversation, I turned to Buggy and whispered my observation in his ears. He laughed and agreed with me completely.

The grass is always greener. And, as soon as you get yourself into one meadow, you're ready to move along to the other meadow cause that's where the rest of the cows have gone..

I told Buggy we will always be behind the eight ball. But, and he gently reminded me, I won't be alone. And we will be behind the eight ball together.

Oh, and we're still on New York time. It's 1:40 a.m. and we're both wide awake. No idea what time we're going to sleep tonight, but we have a lot to do tomorrow so I hope we don't sleep too late.

Meanwhile, would love to hear from anyone else who married later in life and found themselves in a similar situation. How did you feel the first time this happened to you?

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