Friday, September 08, 2006

Anticipate Reality

Originally uploaded by holylandhipster.
You know the saying, Man Plans and G-d Laughs, well that's pretty much what happened tonight. After I blogged, I ended up not doing any of the things I had planned on doing this evening. And that included any alcohol and perscription pills.

Basically, I spoke to some family members and then got to work. And I wrote for like 3 1/2 hours, took a nice hot shower, and then went back to writing. I wrote an alternate ending to one of the pieces we analyzed in class and submitted it to the Professor. Right when I was sending that over to him, Ari called and I bailed on meeting him and his friends. Any other night and I would have gotten out of PJ's and met his mates, but I was in the groove with the writing and not feeling overly sociable, so I stayed in.

Yehuda will be so proud when I show him the sheet and for Thursday night it says no alcohol! I've actually decided to go the next entire week without drinking, which shouldn't be too hard because I'm so busy at school, work and with the move that the only places I plan on heading include school, work and a few cafes.

So, when I hung up with him, I realized that I had to get dressed and leave the apartment anyway. I had no more water in the joint and I need a drink of water desperately. So, I put on a pair of jeans and laced up the boots and hit AM PM for some provisions. Now that I'll be staying here for Shabbos, I figured it would be a good idea to get enough food to get me through the weekend. So, now I'm stocked up on diet yogurts and low-fat cheese.

I got back in time to catch some folks on IM and that's when I read the e-mail from Zeke about two of his albums dropping on September 25th! One is a live version of a concert he gave in Minneapolis and the other is a full length album of new works! If you like ambient electronica that's extremely mellow and chill, these albums are a must to add to your collection. I'm going to head over to the Tower Records here in Tel Aviv to make sure I'll be able to get both of them on the 25th!

Besides his music, Zeke and I ended up discussing Spielberg and his film Munich, which just extended the conversation I had about the film in class on Tuesday. As always, IMing with Zeke was great. Somehow we always manage to turn IM into a forum for some intense, intellectual conversation.

I'm going to bed, it's already 1:00 am!

Song of the day is Green Tea off of Zeke's debut album People, Places and Things. Now make sure you mark your calendars to pick up his next two CD's on the 25th!

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