Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Oreo's With Too Much Time on Their Hands

My friend Ilya sent me this video today and I got a good little chuckle out of it, but I have to say this one is not as good as the Lecha video that was making the rounds last year.

This is a blatant example of Black Hat Boys with too much time on their hands. Must be Bein Hazmanim, otherwise, their parents should just throw the money they are spendingon these kids Yeshiva education down the toilet. Folks, your kids ain't learning gemara, they're listening to rap music and shooting goofy videos where they attempt to dance!

What's saddest is that you know there are Bais Yakov girls who are watching this video and praying that one of them gets the opportunity to go on a shidduch date with the lead lipsyncer.

My new parameters for giving charity to places like the Mir and any other kollel are as follows. Upon receiving an envelope from said organization, I will return the envelope with mug shot photos of all the boys that have appeared in any of the aforementioned music videos. If any of these Oreo's are learning in that establishment, they don't get a check from me.

I hope that isn't too harsh. I guess I would be much more generous if these videos had better music.

I'll make an exception for any yeshiva bocher who makes a video to a Strokes song.

Thanks Ilya for sending this over, it made me smile!

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